Course Information

Course Information

Please scroll down to view information on all our courses such as module content, course duration and the general system requirements.


Food Safety Training

Food Handlers and their employers have a legal duty to manage Food Safety. These obligations are set out by a number of EU and UK Laws. These Laws state that food handlers must make sure that food which is prepared, cooked, served or sold, is safe for human consumption. Failing to follow food safety standards can cause food to become contaminated with potentially fatal consequences.

Training your employees with our online system will go a long way to give them greater awareness of the dangers that poor food safety standards pose, as well as covering how food safety risks actually arise and how to control and prevent them.

Level 1 Food Safety (Manufacturing, Catering & Retail)

Duration: 50 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).

The Level 1 Awards in Food Safety provide an ideal solution to staff induction training including:

  • New employees with minimal or no prior food safety knowledge;
  • Employees handling low-risk or wrapped foods (category A);
  • Front of house employees, such as waiting or check out staff;
  • Back of house employees, such as kitchen porters or warehouse


Course Module Number Module Name Pass % Required
Level 1 Food Safety 1 Food Safety Legislation 75
Level 1 Food Safety 2 Hazards from Delivery to Service 75
Level 1 Food Safety 3 Risk Control (Prevention of Contamination) 75
Level 1 Food Safety 4 Pests, Premises and People 75


Level 2 Food Safety (Manufacturing, Catering & Retail)

Duration: 75 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).

Level 2 Awards in Food Safety are suited for anyone working in a catering, manufacturing or retail setting where food is prepared, cooked and handled.

Typical environments may include:

  • Pubs, hotels, restaurants;
  • Supermarkets and retail environments;
  • Food and drink manufacturers;
  • Hospitals;
  • Care homes;
  • Schools;


Course Module Number Module Name Pass % Required
Level 2 Food Safety 1 Food Safety Legislation 75
Level 2 Food Safety 2 Hazards from Delivery to Service 75
Level 2 Food Safety 3 Risk Control (Prevention of Contamination) 75
Level 2 Food Safety 4 Pests, Premises and People 75


Working at Height Training

This course is aimed at anyone who undertakes work at height, or who employs people who regularly work at height.

The term work at height applies to a wide range of situations ranging from the obvious ones like working on platforms, ladders, scaffolds or stages to working alongside deep trenches. This is because the crucial thing to understand about work at height is that it’s not how far you climb, but how far you can fall. ‘Falls’ doesn’t just mean people falling from heights. If materials or equipment fall, that will obviously present an equally dangerous hazard to anyone below.

All working at height situations are covered by health and safety legislation. Chief among these is the Work at Height Regulations 2005. These regulations confer legal duties on employers and employees to assess, control and minimise risks and hazards from work at height.

This course covers topics including the dangers of working at height, the regulations, the hierarchy of controls, assessing risk and much more.

It’s vital to understand all this because as I’m sure you’ll know, working at height can be extremely dangerous.

Duration: 105 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).


Course Module Number Module Name Pass % Required
Working at Height 1 Introducing Work at Height 70
Working at Height 2 The Dangers of Work at Height 70
Working at Height 3 The Work at Height Regulations 70
Working at Height 4 Summary of Duty Holder’s Responsibilities 70
Working at Height 5 Employer’s Responsibilities 70
Working at Height 6 The Hierarchy of Control 70
Working at Height 7 Avoiding Work at Height Wherever Possible 70
Working at Height 8 Prevent Risk of Falls 70
Working at Height 9 Minimise Consequences 70
Working at Height 10 The Risk Assessment 70
Working at Height 11 Course Summary 70


 Emergency First Aid at Work

What is Emergency First Aid? Well it’s exactly that, the first aid to be offered if an incident occurs. Not many of us are confronted with scenes of blood and gore in our everyday lives – so usually first aid could be as simple as sticking a plaster on a small cut.

But what if you did find yourself confronted with a more serious situation. This Emergency aid course will highlight some of the most common situations that you might come across and the actions that you can take to help.

In the most serious situations a first aider’s role will be to assess the scene so that accurate information can be passed to Emergency services and then to act appropriately to try and increase the patients odds of survival.


Course Module Number Module Name Pass % Required
Emergency First Aid at Work 1 What is First Aid? 70
Emergency First Aid at Work 2 Barriers, ABCDs and the recovery position 70
Emergency First Aid at Work 3 CPR and AEDs 70
Emergency First Aid at Work 4 Choking 70
Emergency First Aid at Work 5 Bleeding 70
Emergency First Aid at Work 6 Shock 70
Emergency First Aid at Work 7 Spinal Injuries 70
Emergency First Aid at Work 8 Breaks 70
Emergency First Aid at Work 9 Head Injuries 70
Emergency First Aid at Work 10 Sprains 70
Emergency First Aid at Work 11 Managing an Incident & Record Keeping 70
Emergency First Aid at Work 12 Burns & Scalds 70
Emergency First Aid at Work 13 Electric Shock 70
Emergency First Aid at Work 14 Eye Injuries 70
Emergency First Aid at Work 15 Anaphylaxis and Diabetes 70
Emergency First Aid at Work 16 Heart Attack & Stroke 70

Duration: 150 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).


Fire Safety Training

Current legislation, The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, applies to all workplaces regardless of the number of employees and requires employers to provide adequate training in fire awareness for all members of their staff.


Our online fire safety training courses are aimed at all employees to assist them in identifying and reducing the risk that fire presents in the workplace.

Courses available

Basic Fire Safety

Duration: 60 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).

This course will provide candidates with a general understanding of basic fire awareness including what should be done in the event of a fire, how to prevent a fire occurring and a basic introduction of the protocol of extinguishing a fire.

It is a cost effective way for employers to fulfil their legal obligation to provide their employees with the necessary understanding of fire awareness.


Course Module Number Module Name Pass % Required
Basic Fire Safety 1 Chemistry of Fire 70
Basic Fire Safety 2 Common Causes of Fire 70
Basic Fire Safety 3 Basic Safety Features in Buildings 70
Basic Fire Safety 4 Introduction to Fire Extinguishers 70
Basic Fire Safety 5 What to do in Cases of Fire? 70


Basic Fire Safety for Care Homes

Duration: 60 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).

This course covers the same content as the Basic Fire Safety course with additional content tailored specifically for employees that work in care homes.


Course Module Number Module Name Pass % Required
Basic Fire Safety 1 Chemistry of Fire 70
Basic Fire Safety 2 Common Causes of Fire 70
Basic Fire Safety 3 Basic Safety Features in Buildings 70
Basic Fire Safety 4 Introduction to Fire Extinguishers 70
Basic Fire Safety 5 What to do in Cases of Fire? 70


Fire Marshal

Duration: 220 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).

Fire marshals (sometimes known as fire wardens) are civilians trained to assist in emergency fire evacuation procedures at businesses and other organizations. It is a legal obligation that workplaces must have a sufficient number of fire marshals to deal with fire emergencies.


This course provides extensive knowledge of fire prevention, evacuation protocol and using fire extinguishers.


Course Module Number Module Name Pass % Required
Fire Marshal 1 Chemistry of Fire 70
Fire Marshal 2 Common Causes of Fire 70
Fire Marshal 3 Basic Safety Features in Buildings 70
Fire Marshal 4 Introduction to Fire Extinguishers 70
Fire Marshal 5 What to do in Cases of Fire? 70
Fire Marshal 6 Fire Statistics 70
Fire Marshal 7 Current Fire Safety Legislation 70
Fire Marshal 8 Fire Risk Assessment 70
Fire Marshal 9 Preventative Measures 70
Fire Marshal 10 Safety Features within Buildings 70
Fire Marshal 11 Role of the Fire Marshal 70
Fire Marshal 12 Action on Fire Discovery 70
Fire Marshal 13 Fire Drills and Evacuation 70
Fire Marshal 14 Fire Extinguishers 70
Fire Marshal 15 Pre-Engagement Action 70
Fire Marshal 16 Using a Fire Extinguisher 100


Fire Marshal for Care Homes

 Duration: 220 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).

This course covers the same content as the Fire Marshal course with additional content tailored specifically for employees that work in care homes.


Course Module Number Module Name Pass % Required
Fire Marshal 1 Chemistry of Fire 70
Fire Marshal 2 Common Causes of Fire 70
Fire Marshal 3 Basic Safety Features in Buildings 70
Fire Marshal 4 Introduction to Fire Extinguishers 70
Fire Marshal 5 What to do in Cases of Fire? 70
Fire Marshal 6 Fire Statistics 70
Fire Marshal 7 Current Fire Safety Legislation 70
Fire Marshal 8 Fire Risk Assessment 70
Fire Marshal 9 Preventative Measures 70
Fire Marshal 10 Safety Features within Buildings 70
Fire Marshal 11 Role of the Fire Marshal 70
Fire Marshal 12 Action on Fire Discovery 70
Fire Marshal 13 Fire Drills and Evacuation 70


Fire Marshal 14 Fire Extinguishers 70
Fire Marshal 15 Pre-Engagement Action 70
Fire Marshal 16 Using a Fire Extinguisher 100


Fire Extinguisher

 Duration: 25 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).

This course provides training in the use of different types of fire extinguishers and the protocol of tackling a fire.


Course Module Number Module Name Pass % Required
Fire Extinguisher 1 Fire Extinguishers 70
Fire Extinguisher 2 Pre-Engagement Action 70
Fire Extinguisher 3 Using a Fire Extinguisher 100


Manual Handling Training

Manual handling, or to be accurate, incorrect manual handling, is one of the most common causes of injury at work. To try and combat manual handling problems, the Manual Handling Operations Regulations were introduced.

The Regulations lay out duties for both employees and employers. They give a general requirement that employees must be trained to manually handle correctly including the use of any equipment their employer provides to handle loads safely.

Duration: 75 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).

Training your employees with our online system will go a long way to giving them greater awareness of the dangers that poor manual handling poses, as well as covering safe handling techniques, practical solutions to manual handling issues and the use of mechanical aids.


Course Module Number Module Name Pass % Required
Manual Handling 1 What is Manual Handling? 75
Manual Handling 2 Manual Handling Regulations 75
Manual Handling 3 Safe Handling 75
Manual Handling 4 Learning Safe Handling Habits 75
Manual Handling 5 Practical Manual Handling Solutions 75
Manual Handling 6 Use of Mechanical Aids 75



These courses have been created because, first and foremost, each and every one of us has basic human rights. Chief among these is the right to be healthy, happy and treated well, regardless of race, age, gender or location. When these rights are abused in some way it’s wrong, and it is therefore vital that guidelines, policies and procedures are followed to enable everyone, without exception to live a life in which these basic values and rights are maintained and upheld.

Safeguarding Children

Everyone, regardless of their age, gender, religion, ethnicity or background has the right to a healthy, happy life. Safeguarding is about minimising and managing the risks to vulnerable individuals.

This course, ‘Safeguarding Children’, is aimed at anyone who has a duty of care for, or comes into contact with children in their chosen profession.

Although most children are brought up in loving, nurturing environments and grow up to lead happy lives, the subject has to be discussed in order to better protect those children that need it most.

During this course you will hear many facts, figures and details surrounding the risk to children, the types of abuse suffered, how to recognise the signs of abuse and key safeguarding legislations put in place to minimise the abuse of children.

Once you are able to recognise the signs of possible abuse, and know the steps you should take if you suspect it you will be better able to protect the children in your care.

Duration: 75 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).


Course Module Number Module Name Pass % Required
Safeguarding Children 1 Introduction to Safeguarding Children 70
Safeguarding Children 2 Types of Abuse, who may carry it out and why children may not tell 70
Safeguarding Children 3 How to Recognise the Signs of Abuse 70
Safeguarding Children 4 What to do if you suspect a child is being abused 70
Safeguarding Children 5 Safeguarding Legislation 70


Safeguarding Adults

This course is aimed at anyone who has a duty of care for, or comes into contact with, adults in need of care and support, either as a paid professional or a volunteer. This includes, but isn’t limited to, those that work in domiciliary care, the NHS, community centres, prisons or with a family member at home, and sets out the roles and responsibilities everyone must undertake to protect an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. You and the organisation you work for must take appropriate and proportional measures necessary for the protection of adults in your care, while still ensuring they are supported and empowered to have control over how they want to live their lives and this course can bring you one step closer to being able to do this.

This means that whatever the circumstance, you and the organisation you work for must take appropriate and proportional measures necessary for the protection of adults in your care, while still ensuring they are supported and empowered to have control over how they want to live their lives.

During this course you will hear many facts, figures and details surrounding the risk to adults in need of care and support, the types of abuse suffered and key safeguarding legislation put in place to minimise the abuse of adults with care and support needs. By the end of this course, you will have learned a better understanding of safeguarding principles and be able to apply them to your role.

This includes being able to define the key terminology in relation to safeguarding; identify the principle laws that relate to safeguarding and why they have been put in place to minimise abuse; recognise and respond to the ten types of abuse suffered by vulnerable adults; identify and report concerns of abuse or neglect; describe your role, responsibilities and boundaries; ensure people are supported and encouraged to make their own decisions and give informed consent, and finally manage the environment to minimise the risk of abuse.


Course Module Number Module Name Pass % Required
Safeguarding Adults 1 Introduction and Definitions 70
Safeguarding Adults 2 Types of Abuse and the Rights of Vulnerable Adults 70
Safeguarding Adults 3 Recognising the Signs of Abuse 70
Safeguarding Adults 4 What to Do if you Suspect Abuse 70
Safeguarding Adults 5 Safeguarding Legislation 70


Legionella Training

 Current legislation set out by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 along with the HSE’s updated code of practice known as L8 which was published in 2001, states that Companies and building owners have a legal duty to manage Legionella.

Our interactive video based training course is aimed at all employers and staff to assist them in identifying the danger that Legionella poses, as well as covering ways to identify & assess sources of risk from Legionella in the premises and implement & manage a control programme.

Duration: 75 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).

This course explains the background to Legionella, the potential risks associated with water systems and how these can be prevented or controlled. It helps you to understand the risk that Legionella poses and helps you develop the systems and working practices you need to stay ahead. It gives you enough knowledge to get a Legionella control programme off the ground yourself – or make confident, informed choices when commissioning others to take this on for you.


Course Module Number Module Name Pass % Required
Legionella Management 1 What is Legionella? 70
Legionella Management 2 Risk Areas 70
Legionella Management 3 Legislation 70
Legionella Management 4 Risk Management 70
Legionella Management 5 Water System Monitoring 70
Legionella Management 6 Cooling System Awareness 70


Display Screen Equipment Training

 These courses are aimed at users of display screen equipment (DSE) and those responsible for assessing display screen equipment. A ‘user’, is anyone who regularly uses display screen equipment for a significant part of their normal work. In practice, if you use display screen equipment continuously for more than one hour a day, then you’re a ‘user’.

So what do we mean by display screen equipment?

The first thing most people think of is a computer monitor. But that’s not the only thing it refers to Display screen equipment could also mean laptops, tablet PCs, televisions, smartphones, CNC control pads, portable diagnostic screens or equipment containing cathode ray tubes, or CRTs.

The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations contain special directives covering DSE safety. Both employers and employee‐users have responsibilities under the legislation.

This course fulfils your statutory training obligations and covers among other things,,, the correct way to set up and use your display screen equipment safely. Reducing the risk of work related conditions.

Courses available

Display Screen Equipment Awareness

Duration: 50 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).


Course Module Number Module Name Pass % Required
DSE Awareness 1 Introduction 70
DSE Awareness 2 Legislation 70
DSE Awareness 3 Protecting Your Body 70
DSE Awareness 4 Adjusting Your Chair 70
DSE Awareness 5 Adjusting Your Screen 70
DSE Awareness 6 Work Arrangements 70
DSE Awareness 7 Adjusting the Layout of Your Workstation 70
DSE Awareness 8 Adjusting Your Work Environment 70


Assessing Display Screen Equipment

Duration: 110 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).


Course Module Number Module Name Pass % Required
Assessing DSE 1 Introduction 70
Assessing DSE 2 Legislation 70
Assessing DSE 3 Protecting Your Body 70
Assessing DSE 4 Adjusting Your Chair 70
Assessing DSE 5 Adjusting Your Screen 70


Assessing DSE 6 Work Arrangements 70
Assessing DSE 7 Adjusting the Layout of Your Workstation 70
Assessing DSE 8 Adjusting Your Work Environment 70
Assessing DSE 9 Risk Assessment Overview 70
Assessing DSE 10 Principles of Sensible Risk Management 70
Assessing DSE 11 Key Health and Safety Legislation 70
Assessing DSE 12 DSE Hazards and Risks 70
Assessing DSE 13 DSE Assessments 70
Assessing DSE 14 Control and Prevention Strategies 70
Assessing DSE 15 Practical Element 70


Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) 

 Duration: 125 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).

This course covers what you need to know about the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH). It’s aimed at anyone who is exposed to Substances Hazardous to Health at work, as well as line managers with responsibility for such people.

So what do we mean by ‘Substances Hazardous to Health’?

In legal terms, these are substances that are classified as “very toxic, toxic, harmful, corrosive or Irritant” under the Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation (CLP). This was a new regulation that came into force in January 2009 dovetailing with a set of regulations called REACH. REACH is a European Union regulation concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals, which came into force on 1st June 2007. One of the main aims of REACH is to provide a high level of protection for human health and the environment from the use of chemicals.


Course Module Number Module Name Pass % Required
COSHH 1 Introducing COSHH 70
COSHH 2 Different Types of Hazard 70
COSHH 3 Different Types of Exposure 70
COSHH 4 Regulations and Approved Labelling 70
COSHH 5 Assessing COSHH Risks 70
COSHH 6 The Risk Assessment in Practice 70
COSHH 7 Exposure Control 70
COSHH 8 Staying in Control 70
COSHH 9 Training and Emergency Planning 70
COSHH 10 Course Summary 70


 Asbestos Training 

Asbestos is probably the most dangerous building material ever used. Every year thousands of people fall ill and die because of exposure to asbestos and it was widely used by the construction industry right up until the year 2000.

The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 apply to employers, employees, self employed persons and duty holders and cover all work with asbestos containing materials. Regulation 10 of CAR states that every employer must ensure that adequate information, instruction and training is given to employees who are liable to be exposed to asbestos. This includes maintenance workers and others who may come into contact with or disturb asbestos.

Courses available

 Asbestos Awareness

 Duration: 65 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).

 This course covers all areas of asbestos awareness and is designed for anyone who may come into contact with asbestos in their work. Most commonly, that includes builders, plumbers, electricians, carpenters and other building related and maintenance trades.

The course consists of 4 modules with questions at the end. The modules cover areas such as recognising asbestos, where it is used, minimising the risks and legislation about working with asbestos.

You are given the chance to review all your answers at the end of each module before final submission and you will be given 3 attempts at each module to achieve a pass rate of 100%.


Course Module Number Module Name Pass % Required
Asbestos Awareness 1 Properties and Risks of Asbestos Exposure 100
Asbestos Awareness 2 Different Types of Asbestos 100
Asbestos Awareness 3 Avoiding the Risks from Asbestos 100
Asbestos Awareness 4 An Outline of Asbestos Legislation 100


Asbestos for Architects & Designers

 Duration: 75 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).


This course covers the same subjects as our Asbestos Awareness course with an additional module aimed specifically at architects and designers working with buildings that may contain asbestos. It provides information about the legislation governing asbestos in work and outlines the responsibilities of architects and designers.

The course consists of 5 modules with questions at the end. You are given the chance to review all your answers at the end of each module before final submission and you will be given 3 attempts at each module to achieve a pass rate of 100%.


Course Module Number Module Name Pass % Required
Asbestos Awareness 1 Properties and Risks of Asbestos Exposure 100
Asbestos Awareness 2 Different Types of Asbestos 100
Asbestos Awareness 3 Avoiding the Risks from Asbestos 100
Asbestos Awareness 4 An Outline of Asbestos Legislation 100
Asbestos Awareness 5 Content for Architects and Designers 100


Abrasive Wheels Training

This course is aimed at anyone who uses abrasive wheels, or employs people who use abrasive wheels as part of their work.

There are a wide range of tools and processes that use abrasive wheels and ensuring these are used correctly and safely is of paramount importance. Applications range from hand grinding to disc cutting. They can be used at all stages of a work process, for making preliminary cuts and scores in materials, or for fine polishing and finishing.

Different wheels will have different properties and characteristics suitable for particular tasks. They also have different weaknesses and can pose different risks and hazards in handling and use. For this reason, it’s important that you always select the right abrasive wheel for the job and use it with the right machinery.

This course covers the anatomy of an abrasive wheel, the dangers associated with their use, Storage and handling and much more.


Course Module Number Module Name Pass % Required
Abrasive Wheels 1 Introducing Abrasive Wheels 70
Abrasive Wheels 2 The Anatomy of an Abrasive Wheel 70
Abrasive Wheels 3 The Dangers of Abrasive Wheels 70
Abrasive Wheels 4 Abrasive Wheel Safety 70
Abrasive Wheels 5 Safe Speeds 70
Abrasive Wheels 6 Other Wheel Markings 70
Abrasive Wheels 7 Storage and Handling 70
Abrasive Wheels 8 Checking and Testing 70
Abrasive Wheels 9 Training and Certification 70
Abrasive Wheels 10 Inspections 70
Abrasive Wheels 11 Course Summary 70

Duration: 100 minutes (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).


General information

Recommended System Requirements for all courses

  • Operating System: Windows XP/7/8, Mac OSX (10.6)
  • Browser: Chrome 20+, Firefox 28+, Internet Explorer 9, Safari for Mac 5+
  • Video: Up to date video drivers
  • Memory: 1Gb+ RAM
  • Additional Software: Flash Player 10+
  • Download Speed: Broadband (3Mb+)