Near Miss Reporting


A near-miss is an unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness, or damage – but had the potential to do so. Only a fortunate break in the chain of events prevented an injury, fatality or damage. Although human error commonly is an initiating event, a faulty process or system invariably permits or compounds the harm, and should be the focus of improvement. Other familiar terms for these events are a “close call”, a “near collision”. The term “close call” or “near collision” is less contradictory in nature than “near miss”, since a “near-miss” would be a hit that almost missed (a glancing blow) versus a miss that almost hit.

The near-miss record book will allow the person responsible for health and safety to monitor all near-misses that happen within the company/workplace, enable corrective actions as appropriate and prevent recurrence.

For every 1 serious or disabling injury there are 10 major incidents, 30 minor incidents or property damage and 600 accidents with no visible injury or damage. Understanding and avoiding the near-misses can help safety managers and safety teams to reduce the more serious incidents. Identifying the near-miss also makes everyone more aware of safety. Being aware of safety and best practices will help make the workplace a safer environment.

Near miss investigation is a cheap learning tool compared to an actual injury or property damage.
Always remember that today’s near miss could be tomorrow’s accident
